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RT-Backpack INS

INS mounting system for VRU testing

Fitted with a battery and wireless RT-XLAN to provides an additional component to the RT-Range S system. Designed for tracking the position of pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists relative to a moving vehicle.


  • >500 m range line-of-sight (with RT-XLAN)

  • 1 cm positioning (with RT2002 or RT3002)

  • Real-time

  • Precise measurements

  • Compact size

  • Portable


  • Car-to-pedestrian tracking

  • Vulnerable road user (VRU) tracking

  • Tracking of multiple pedestrians or motorcyclists possible

Measure the position of pedestrians and cyclists relative to moving vehicles

The RT-Backpack can be used to track pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists with ease and high accuracy. The RT-Backpack system has additional straps on it, so that it can be tightly and securely mounted to the pedestrian, giving the best possible accuracy.


Self-contained system

Just add an OxTS RT system. We have two versions of the RT-Backpack to fit either our larger RT2000, RT3000 or RT4000 products or our small, compact RT1003. The RT-Backpack includes a battery capable of powering a GNSS/INS product for up to 5 hours, a precision GPS antenna, wireless LAN and a battery charger.

Easy integration with RT-Range S

The RT-Backpack system works like any other Target  RT-Range S system. It feeds real-time measurements to the Hunter vehicle using Wireless LAN.

The RT-Range S Hunter system then tracks the person wearing the backpack and computes the measurements before outputting them as normal.

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