Kvaser T-Cannector Expansion L
SKU: 01300-1
$45.00 Regular Price
$11.25Sale Price
Product Details
Tech Specs
Major features: - Monitor 5 CAN channels simultaneously using just one device, or connect the USB cable with a single 9 pin DSUB for single CAN channel monitoring. - Automatically time synchronises the data transmitted and received across all five buses. - Built-in Kvaser MagiSync technology time synchronises with other Kvaser interfaces connected to the same PC, resulting in simpler and more accurate multichannel data capture. - Script functionality allows users to develop customised t-script applications written in the Kvaser t programming language. - Plug and play installation, and a comprehensive user guide to help make t script development quick and easy. - Log data to an expandable SD card slot. - LED lights alert user to device status, including signalling a full SD card or card error. - Power derived from the USB connection, CAN or an in-built power supply. - Compatible with J1939, CANopen, NMEA 2000® and DeviceNet. - Supports CAN FD. - NOTE: This product ships with a 16GB Industrial Grade SDHC cards (-40 to +85°C) included. Additional storage cards may be purchased on Kvaser.com. Filters - Log continuously, or logging can be triggered by creating advanced triggers based on messages, data signal values, error messages, external trigger's falling or rising edge, and I/O signals. - Pre- and post-triggers are available without buffer size restrictions, limited by disk space only. - Filter out selectable messages and/or signals to be logged. The identifiers can be picked from a database, or all messages can be logged. - Support for pass as well as stop filters. - Create a counting pass filter to have a message logged at enumerated occurrence. - Handles up to 20,000 msgs/s in standalone logger mode. - External digital output that can drive an LED or a buzzer. - Supports Silent Mode - Log bus traffic safely without interfering and "listen-only" mode for bus analysis tools. Memory Cards and Functions: - Supports SD and SDHC memory card formats. - Set up several devices in a daisy chain for larger logging capacity. Configuration Software in the PC: - Easy to use graphic configuration tool - Memorator Tools. - Configuration of the CAN controller, i.e. bit rate and filters. - Configuration of the trigger conditions. - Configuration of filter for messages to be stored. - Configuration upload and download via USB. - Using the included Kvaser Dispatcher software, a complete measurement setup can be turned into a self-installing package that is sent to a remote location to carry out a specific logging task.