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Kvaser USBcan Pro 4xCAN Silent

Kvaser USBcan Pro 4xCAN Silent


Kvaser USBcan Pro 4xCAN Silent is a small, yet advanced, portable multi channel CAN to USB real time interface that handles reception of standard and extended CAN messages on the CAN bus with a high time stamp precision. The Kvaser USBcan Pro 4xCAN Silent is compatible with applications that use Kvaser�s CANlib. The Kvaser USBcan Pro 4xCAN Silent is always in silent mode, meaning it cannot affect the bus.
Major Features: - USB CAN interface with Kvaser t programmability. - Always in silent mode � listens to the bus without interfering it. - Supports CAN FD, up to 8 Mbit/s. - Quick and easy plug-and-play installation. - Supports both 11-bit (CAN 2.0A) and 29-bit (CAN 2.0B active) identifiers. - Power is taken from the USB port. - 100% compatible with applications written for other Kvaser CAN hardware with Kvaser CANlib. - High-speed CAN connection (compliant with ISO 11898-2), up to 1 Mbit/s. - Fully compatible with J1939, CANopen, NMEA 2000� and DeviceNet. - Kvaser MagiSync � automatic time synchronization (see Section 4.7, Kvaser MagiSync, on Page 19 for more details). - Supports simultaneous usage of multiple Kvaser interfaces.
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