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Kvaser Memorator Pro 5xHS CB
Kvaser Memorator Pro�5xHS CB is a five channel, high performance, CAN (controller area network) bus interface and standalone datalogger that allows users to monitor and collect data from up to five CAN channels using just one device. It is supplied 'bare board' i.e. without a housing, and can thus be built into any system. The Memorator Pro�5xHS CB supports CAN FD. Configurable using Kvaser's Memorator Config Tool, Memorator Pro 5xHS CB is capable of running user-developed scripts, written in the Kvaser t programming language. Guidance in creating t programs is supplied. The device is also supported in CANlib, Kvaser�s universal software development kit.
Major features:
- Monitor 5 CAN channels simultaneously using just one device, or connect the USB cable with a single 9 pin DSUB for single CAN channel monitoring.
- Automatically time synchronises the data transmitted and received across all five buses.
- Built-in Kvaser MagiSync technology time synchronises with other Kvaser interfaces connected to the same PC, resulting in simpler and more accurate multichannel data capture.
- Script functionality allows users to develop customised t-script applications written in the Kvaser t programming language.
- Plug and play installation, and a comprehensive user guide to help make t script development quick and easy.
- Log data to an expandable SD card slot.
- LED lights alert user to device status, including signalling a full SD card or card error.
- Power derived from the USB connection, CAN or an in-built power supply.
- Compatible with J1939, CANopen, NMEA 2000� and DeviceNet.
- Supports CAN FD.
- NOTE: This product ships with a 16GB Industrial Grade SDHC cards (-40 to +85�C) included. Additional storage cards may be purchased on Filters - Log continuously, or logging can be triggered by creating advanced triggers based on messages, data signal values, error messages, external trigger's falling or rising edge, and I/O signals. - Pre- and post-triggers are available without buffer size restrictions, limited by disk space only. - Filter out selectable messages and/or signals to be logged. The identifiers can be picked from a database, or all messages can be logged. - Support for pass as well as stop filters. - Create a counting pass filter to have a message logged at enumerated occurrence. - Handles up to 20,000 msgs/s in standalone logger mode. - External digital output that can drive an LED or a buzzer. - Supports Silent Mode - Log bus traffic safely without interfering and "listen-only" mode for bus analysis tools. Memory Cards and Functions: - Supports SD and SDHC memory card formats. - Set up several devices in a daisy chain for larger logging capacity. Configuration Software in the PC: - Easy to use graphic configuration tool - Memorator Tools. - Configuration of the CAN controller, i.e. bit rate and filters. - Configuration of the trigger conditions. - Configuration of filter for messages to be stored. - Configuration upload and download via USB. - Using the included Kvaser Dispatcher software, a complete measurement setup can be turned into a self-installing package that is sent to a remote location to carry out a specific logging task.
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